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5 Reasons Why You Need a Coach

My clients are well-educated professionals with years of unique expertise in their fields. So, why do they need a coach? Keeping reading to find out...

Despite popular beliefs to the contrary coaching is not therapy. In my work with clients we do not focus on past trauma; we are Future-Focused. Coaching is a way to uncover the skills and capacities you already have. In most cases, I am teaching you how to trust yourself, how to build confidence, and how to take your life to the next level.

Here are some reasons why you might need a coach:

  1. You Feel Lost. Are you finishing a dissertation or big project, but having trouble finding your way to a complete draft? Are you in you first years on the job and not sure if the academic path is right for you? Or even just unsure about what you should be doing right now? Working with a coach can help you to discover what really matters to you, and to take the steps toward that.

  2. You Make Your Decisions From Fear. Are you making major life decisions based on what you perceive others think of you? Out of fear of disappointing a family member or mentor? Everyone is intimidated from time to time, but working with a coach will help you to identify the thoughts behind those anxious feelings and to locate an alternative source of motivation that challenges your limited beliefs.

  3. You Have Problems Staying Focused. Maybe you have clear vision of your goals, but are having trouble taking action to accomplish them. Coaching can provide support in comprehensive goal setting and make sure your efforts are feeding your objectives. This often includes providing templates and frameworks with proven results.

  4. You Need Better Time Management. A coach can help you break those procrastination habits through examining the roots of your avoidance and providing clear time management strategies that are tailored to your needs.

  5. You Are Indecisive. Are you facing a big move or career change and not sure what to do? Have you missed out on opportunities in the past because you were afraid to take action? A coach can teach you how to use your own knowledge to assess risks and take meaningful action.

If any of these issues are familiar to you, you may need a coach. Working with me 1:1 can not only help you identify what you really want, but I will help you to create a personal plan that helps you find success.



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